Wednesday, July 26, 2017

AmeriKKKa's Blight

Living in other parts of America looks like Utopia and for many people, it becomes just that Utopia. However, for those AmeriKKKans that are Black people living in AmeriKKKa can be and it Hell. We are continually reminded that we do not belong and that we are second-class citizens.  We live in a constant state of knowing that at any moment we can be arrested or even worse killed just for being a Black person. Black people are characterized as the ABM or ABW (Angry Black Man or Angry Black Woman) however, we are rarely the perpetrators of anger towards other races and ethnicities. We are the most accommodating race of people and we do all we can to keep the peace because we never want that label of ABM or ABW.

We live in a country built on the backs of Black people and yet we are still relegated to living in poverty and lower socioeconomic situations. Every time I watch the news and there is a story about some person shot, killed or murdered, I always wait to see the person that is the victim and the villain. I don't want to be that person that always is looking at the negative coverage of my people, but it is the way of the world. Unfortunately, Black people are the epitome of negative coverage and views.

When I listen to younger people that have not experienced racism first hand they are amazed to hear the stories of how their ancestors were treated and continue to be treated by people of other races and ethnicities. I have not personally be targeted with racial slurs to my face, but I am sure many have been hurled about me behind my back.  It is par for the course of living in AmeriKKKa.  Until the white people in AmeriKKKa start to understand, address and accept their white privilege, things in AmeriKKKa will continue to have the blight and stains of racism and discrimination.

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